UltimateArcanum, Project developer's topic |
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UltimateArcanum, Project developer's topic |
Crypton |
4.6.2010, 14:55
Группа: ЗавсегдатаиСообщений: 162 Регистрация: 18.11.2008 Из: Czech Republic Пользователь №: 2 939 |
Цитата Alright, first of all this module was adapted for Russian language, because you need dialogs to be pasted into the module in order to override the standard ones that are no longer appropriate in multiplayer. I just didn't have enough time to work on the english version, especially considering there was no demand for it at that moment, so why should I have pushed myself to create a version that nobody actually needed? The module was free for all to use, there was only inevitable limitation to the specific language which is unavoidable. MultiArcanum doesn't support russian language, so, let me put it that way, it is only for the English-speaking world, which is unfair as well. Please let's just stop this argument, I did what I did because there were people whom I knew that wanted to play Arcanum together, and basically I just gave them that opportunity, nothing more was in my plans at that time. If I understood correctly, UltimateArcanum is supposed to be only for ArcanumClub community? Because since you've released first version, I've started to recommend everywhere and to everybody that they should use UltimateArcanum instead of MultiArcanum, then I found out that its unplayable because it has no English language support. Two weeks after I've got email saying that I'm foolish because I let you pick over MultiArcanum project, and let you claim yourself as the author and me as contributor. Then I checked this topic, and by reading posts at forums and news from site, I've realized that its truth. Anyway, your are saying that its unfair that I've made MultiArcanum only for English version? Well, Arcanum itself is in English, and afaik English is the world wide language, since its teached in almost every country at least as secondary language, so only whats unfair is that you didn't added a English support to UltimateArcanum, which could be easily added via patch. Btw, English is not my native language too, and everything I release is in English, even when its lame, still people can understand it more than to something that is written in my native language. Цитата And what should I have called it? A mod of a mod? Or let it be MultiArcanum by Crypton (DJ Saruman remix) ? As I've stated in the first message: ... Special Credits to Crypton for: "сшитая" карта мира, адаптированные скрипты перехода с/на внутренние локации. Many thanks to you, without your contribution my work would have undoubtly failed. ... I do believe I clearly outlined all the work that was done by you. I've never called you a contributor. Credits mean respect and gratitude, not just mere thanks for doing some dirty work. It is a pity that you didn't take them that way. I must admit that some of my work was redundant as I renumerated the scripts and dialogs for them to be internal in relation to the module, which could be done as well by directly saving them with game internal numbers, which causes an override of the consequential core scripts and dialogs. But what I've done will take anyone days and weeks to work it out by using WorldEd, and that is exactly what I've done. Not to mention the fixes that were added, or the completely reworked railway dialog and script system, which can be now expanded if needed. As I've already stated it was a product to satisfly the demands of a specific group of people that actually needed it, not to become a first in the world Arcanum multiplayer module. I had no intentions to run a community-based module development program, the changelog to what did you expect? To your mod? Well, to start with, this is a module, not a mod. Just a file you paste into your Arcanum/modules directory. I just can't see why I should have done anything differently, because I've never claimed anything else that this module is an adaptation of your work in russian language, which is mostly fully playable online. And let's be honest, this took me time and effort, you should know this better than anyone else. How you think this should be called and each of us be appropriately credited? Well its not about me nor about how much credit I've obtained, I don't insist to be mentioned in credits at all, because its all about MultiArcanum and ArcanumAlive project, and you've never mentioned them anywhere, plus you are claiming that I've only "contributed" to your project. Now there is question, who is "the author" and who is "the contributor"? If I take UltimateArcanum, implement some new features and rename it back to MultiArcanum, who will I be? author, contributor or one of the authors? Next question is who is the author? its that somebody who put into it the most effort? or its somebody who had that idea? You see now what I mean? Another question, if you delete from UltimateArcanum all files that comes from MultiArcanum, what will left? Цитата P.S. Oh yes, don't know whether it should be mentioned, if nothing esle, I made it WORK, even if slightly faulty and only with a specific version of the game. That could be appreciated, but you seem to think otherwise. Yes, MultiArcanum has bugs, but which I found out after I've released that, and you know, that I could fix everything, and only by myself, but I didn't because there was nobody who could test it nor willing to play it. But it doesn't changes the fact that I was under impression that you are going to continue on MultiArcanum, even under different name, but in same sense. Well, thats all I wanted to say, don't take that personally, its your project now. I gave you permission before, and I'm glad that you've asked for that. You are right, lets stop this argument, but you should know what I wouldn't say a word if I had no reason. Anyway I'm leaving ArcanumClub, because I don't understand to Russian language and there is not even a English or Czech subforum, so you don't need to answer to anything, since I won't be able to read it at all. Have a nice day. Good bye. Сообщение отредактировал Crypton - 4.6.2010, 14:57 -------------------- |
Bloodseeker |
4.6.2010, 15:00
Группа: ЦенителиСообщений: 312 Регистрация: 13.7.2009 Из: Украина, Киев Пользователь №: 3 682 |
Сделаем же русский общим международным языком!!!
Crypton, you can do anything you want. But each person in ArcanumClub which is related to UltimateArcanum knows about you and your project. But I see you don't want to say what you wanted to see in description of UltimateArcanum. So you may not say that Saruman has stolen your mod. If you do not agree... So goodbye, Crypton. And may the Force be with you. -------------------- Перманентная ностальгия
san |
4.6.2010, 15:09
Некромант форума Arcanum
Группа: Гл. администраторыСообщений: 2 876 Регистрация: 17.10.2006 Из: Москва Пользователь №: 2 |
Цитата Сделаем же русский общим международным языком!!! Не стоит. Участники темы - вполне и по-английски понимают -------------------- |
Bloodseeker |
4.6.2010, 15:17
Группа: ЦенителиСообщений: 312 Регистрация: 13.7.2009 Из: Украина, Киев Пользователь №: 3 682 |
Цитата Сделаем же русский общим международным языком!!! Не стоит. Участники темы - вполне и по-английски понимают Это есть хорошо, но Crypton не понимает русский... А у нас нет подфорума на международном языке. Хотя, хочет - пусть уходит. Дело его. -------------------- Перманентная ностальгия
san |
4.6.2010, 15:37
Некромант форума Arcanum
Группа: Гл. администраторыСообщений: 2 876 Регистрация: 17.10.2006 Из: Москва Пользователь №: 2 |
Дык... Мы и сами перевести можем Туда-обратно. Человек хорошее дело делает, по-любому. Язык тут - дело пятнадцатое, имхо.
-------------------- |
Bloodseeker |
4.6.2010, 16:00
Группа: ЦенителиСообщений: 312 Регистрация: 13.7.2009 Из: Украина, Киев Пользователь №: 3 682 |
Да, если бы он уходил только из-за языка... А пафос ухода может сравниться с Маркусовым... Дело хорошее... Но если уже подумал, что кто-то у него что-то украл... Всё равно. Смысла в уходе не вижу.
-------------------- Перманентная ностальгия
Элементалист |
4.6.2010, 18:54
Группа: СвоиСообщений: 851 Регистрация: 1.4.2008 Из: Калгари, Канада Пользователь №: 2 421 |
Цитата And may the Force be with you. Ахаха, убило Хотя думаю, он не поймет, нету в Канаде да и в США такого выражения, сижу же на англ. форумах и фэйбуке. Можно было бы написать - be strong, dont cry -------------------- ФРПГ «Тени Арканум» Оливия Бурже-Оттеборн. ЗАСЛУЖЕННЫЙ ВЕТЕРАН ФРПГ.
Один из кураторов «Конкурсов Фантазма» |
san |
4.6.2010, 19:02
Некромант форума Arcanum
Группа: Гл. администраторыСообщений: 2 876 Регистрация: 17.10.2006 Из: Москва Пользователь №: 2 |
Цитата Но если уже подумал, что кто-то у него что-то украл... Как можно "украсть" то, что лежит в свободном доступе? Тем более: авторство и первоисточник - назван, и назван - с благодарностью... Может это недразумение какое языковое? Вроде бы нет ни одной причины для обид... -------------------- |
Fiona El Tor |
4.6.2010, 19:21
Черная Вдова форума
Группа: ВетераныСообщений: 1 272 Регистрация: 27.5.2007 Из: Пролетая над гнездом... Пользователь №: 913 |
Английский не является для Crypton'а родным языком, и я полагаю, что перевод с русского на чешский через инглиш ведет к многим недоразумениям.
Я уверена, что участники темы найдут способ их разрешить к всеобщему благополучию. -------------------- Лечу по аватаре. Дорого, больно и без гарантии____--------___
1-е местоСтихийный конкурс №1 2-е местоСтихийный конкурс №2 Знак «Рок-опера Года»Стихийный конкурс №2 Знак «Особое литературное»Конкурс Фэнтези №2 |
san |
4.6.2010, 19:31
Некромант форума Arcanum
Группа: Гл. администраторыСообщений: 2 876 Регистрация: 17.10.2006 Из: Москва Пользователь №: 2 |
Цитата участники темы найдут способ их разрешить к всеобщему благополучию. Очень бы хотелось... Crypton мужик головастый. И, как мне кажется, уважаемый у нас. Останется/уйдёт - дело, без сомнений, его. Только обижаться-то не надо на нас. Не за что, вроде... -------------------- |
Текстовая версия | Сейчас: 22.12.2024, 11:54 |